Thursday, November 01, 2007

Teotihuacan--Pyramid of the Sun in the background I've been to Teotihuacan [tay-oh-tee-whah-KAHN] to visit the Sun and the Moon--pyramids, that is. I took this photo of the Pyramid of the Sun in the background from a "plateau" on the Pyramid of the Moon. (Click the photo to see a larger view of this scene.)

We--the group of Fulbright teachers living in Mexico this year who met for the previous three days (Oct. 29-31) in Mexico City--climbed both pyramids on Tuesday. I can still feel the effects of the climb in my leg muscles.

Before we went to the site, we were given a short demonstration of how indigenous people used--and still use--the agave plant to make pulque, mezcal, tequila (a particular kind of mezcal), needles, thread, paper, fiber for making clothing and for other uses, and I forget what else.

I was fascinated to learn about this versatile plant and the ingenuity of the indigenous people who made use of every part of it. I have an agave plant in my front yard in Albuquerque, and now I appreciate it even more.

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